Instant Smart Search for your E-shop.

The most relevant search results for your e-shop visitors.

Searchency on your e-shop

Blazing fast product search

We store your content in different datacenters (DCs) around the globe, and always show the search results from the closest DC

Search Suggestions

We know your website popular searches and display suggestions to help users have a faster experience

Spellcheck and auto-correction

We fix user typos on the go and take grammar into consideration (we know about plurals, suffixes, grammar parts and so on)


Let’s say your clients are searching for “baggage” or “suitcases” and you only have “luggage” in your product catalogue. Our system knows they’re the same and displays the relevant products

Check how Searchency works and how you can use its specific features to meet your business needs.

Magento 2 Demo WooCommerce Demo
Check how Searchency works and how you can use its specific features to meet your business needs.

Magento 2 Demo WooCommerce Demo

What's in it for you

Extended functionality that provides e-shop owners with powerful features that change the way stores sell. This impacts the purchasing process positively and improves your sales.

What's in it for you

Extended functionality that provides e-shop owners with powerful features that change the way stores sell. This impacts the purchasing process positively and improves your sales.


We work with the most sophisticated available technologies. We believe that our specific mix of experience and innovative technology makes it possible for us to deliver premium results.


We work with the most sophisticated available technologies. We believe that our specific mix of experience and innovative technology makes it possible for us to deliver premium results.

Searchency Client Panel features

Real-time indexing

Your products are indexed by Searchency as soon as you add or edit products

Multi website

We allow you to manage each of your stores separately, and each website has its search data hosted in our closest datacenter for better performance and speed

Real time Analytics

We log all search data and let you create custom analytics based on metrics that matter the most for your business. Other call this Business Intelligence :)

Multi-language software

We already speak English and Romanian and we’re now learning French, German and Spanish. In the spring of 2020 we’re planning to learn Polish and Danish and the list will go on until we’ll be able to speak all major European languages. BTW: Searchency Data Center software is capable of learning a new language in 2 weeks.

Search blocking rules

You can decide if some products should not be displayed in our searches by creating custom blocking rules (for example “items with no inventory should be shielded from the search”)

Supported platforms

Do we support your ecommerce platform? Here is the list of many of the popular ecommerce platforms that we integrate with

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Supported platforms

Do we support your ecommerce platform? Here is the list of many of the popular ecommerce platforms that we integrate with
